2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting: Sofia 2024 Conference
Dates: October 2nd - October 6th, 2024
Venue: Conference room Largo
- National Museum of Natural History - BAS
- National Archaeological Institute with Museum - BAS
We're thrilled to welcome you to the 2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting in Sofia! Organized by the National Museum of Natural History - BAS and the National Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and hosted by the Sofia Regional History Museum.
This event is all about exploring the past through the study of ancient animal remains.
Prepare for fascinating talks and engaging discussions. We've lined up expert speakers, informative panels, and captivating poster presentations. Plus, we'll take you on guided tours to historical sites and local museums to bring the medieval era back to life.
Beyond the scholarly sessions, this conference is a chance to connect with peers, build professional relationships, and share insights. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or just starting your journey, Sofia 2024 offers a unique opportunity to network with archaeology and archaeozoology experts from around the world.
Sofia is a city where the past meets the present. Explore the harmonious blend of ancient and modern architecture, savor delectable local cuisine, and immerse yourself in history. As you uncover archaeological treasures and explore the city's scenic landscapes, you'll experience the warm hospitality of Sofia.
Join us at the 2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting in Sofia. Together, we'll unravel the mysteries of the medieval era and bridge the gap between past and present.
We're looking forward to hosting you in 2024.
This event is all about exploring the past through the study of ancient animal remains.
Prepare for fascinating talks and engaging discussions. We've lined up expert speakers, informative panels, and captivating poster presentations. Plus, we'll take you on guided tours to historical sites and local museums to bring the medieval era back to life.
Beyond the scholarly sessions, this conference is a chance to connect with peers, build professional relationships, and share insights. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or just starting your journey, Sofia 2024 offers a unique opportunity to network with archaeology and archaeozoology experts from around the world.
Sofia is a city where the past meets the present. Explore the harmonious blend of ancient and modern architecture, savor delectable local cuisine, and immerse yourself in history. As you uncover archaeological treasures and explore the city's scenic landscapes, you'll experience the warm hospitality of Sofia.
Join us at the 2nd ICAZ Medieval Period Working Group Meeting in Sofia. Together, we'll unravel the mysteries of the medieval era and bridge the gap between past and present.
We're looking forward to hosting you in 2024.
Under the patronage of
Събитието се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на:
“Фонд научни изследвания” по договор № КП-06-МНФ/33 от 12.08.2024 г.
„Фонд „Научни изследвания“ не носи отговорност за съдържанието на докладите и отпечатаните материали от научния форум“.
The event is carried out with the financial support of: “National Science Fund” under contract № KP-06-MNF/33 from 12.08.2024. "The National Science Fund is not responsible for the content of the reports and printed materials from the scientific forum."
“Фонд научни изследвания” по договор № КП-06-МНФ/33 от 12.08.2024 г.
„Фонд „Научни изследвания“ не носи отговорност за съдържанието на докладите и отпечатаните материали от научния форум“.
The event is carried out with the financial support of: “National Science Fund” under contract № KP-06-MNF/33 from 12.08.2024. "The National Science Fund is not responsible for the content of the reports and printed materials from the scientific forum."
Conference fees
Conference fee
60 euro see - included in the price |
Reduced fee
50 euro (students) |
Conference tour
63 euro price may vary depending to the registered participants |
Included in the price
- All conference sessions and keynote presentation
- Welcome Reception, Wine reception
- Sofia tour, tickets for the museums (National Museum of Natural History, National Archaeological Museum, Regional Museum of Sofia, “St. Sofia” Basilica Archaeological level)
- Coffee breaks and lunch for the days of the conference
- all prices include VAT
Keynote speakers
Archaeozoology of Mediaeval ages
Dr. David OrtonUniversity of York
"In small bones forgotten": fish, rodents, and the potential of seemingly insignificant remains to address key historical issues
Prof. Dr. Zlatozar Boev, Ph.D., D. Sc.National Museum of Natural History - BAS
Birds and people in Medieval Bulgaria
(Review of the subfossil record of birds during the First and Second Bulgarian Empires) |
Important Dates
- Program Released - 30 August, 2024
- Registration - 2-3 October, 2024
- Welcome diner - 2nd October, 2024
- Conference - 2 - 6 October, 2024
- Tours - 04 October, 2024